Use "reorient|reoriented|reorienting|reorients" in a sentence

1. I've reoriented the transmission, Captain Oram.

2. Question: Outgallop placket andr- Bogydom reorienting nonasphalt lipometabolic

3. The town was subsequently reoriented to serve natural gas deposits.

4. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

5. - Increase and reorient government spending in the housing sector.

6. China had to reorient her foreign policy according to the new situation.

7. We all need to take another look at Lamar Odom and reorient our thinking.

8. The most important step is to reorient the direction of the new building.

9. Take a deep breath to help you reorient as you wiggle your fingers and toes.

10. The chewing gum eventually became more popular than the baking powder and Wrigley's reoriented the company to produce the gum.

11. Low-temperature dielectric absorption from reorienting guest-molecule dipoles has been measured in H2S, propane, isobutane, and n-butane–H2S hydrates.

12. A weaker dollar should also assist global economic rebalancing by helping to reorient America's economy towards exports.

13. These reforms had envisaged reorienting the ten-year basic education programme away from its highly academic content, towards more practical and vocational aspects.

14. –They will be managed pro-actively with milestones to gauge progress and the possibility to reorient projects where needed.

15. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside.

16. We need a work vacation or two every year in order to reorient ourselves and reestablish our sense of perspective.

17. Delhi is more interested in getting a first-hand account of Sein's plans to reorient Myanmar at home and abroad.

18. Unfortunately the maquila project also demonstrates that rarely could or did the government actually reorient the conditions of capitalist development.

19. His book Perestroika helps establish that from the very start Gorbachev was out to reorient,(sentencedict .com) not dismantle their system.

20. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside. This constitutes a major change.

21. Marshall McLuhan and Walter Ong thought print helped further reorient language from sound to vision, paving the way for our screen-fixated present.

22. This means that we will need to change our strategies regarding mobile library website design and reorient ourselves towards creating a mobile-friendly research experience.

23. Aline definition: place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight synonyms: focus, realign, address, true up, focalise, synchronise, adjust, reorient

24. So you can see that the fibers wrap in helices, and those fibers can reorient as the skeleton moves, which means the skeleton's flexible.

25. Both as candidate and as president, Barack Obama has repeated this claim and has sought to reorient policy toward the prevention of state failure.

26. Allele so let's do a little bit of review let's just reorient ourselves in the world of DNA and RNA let's say that this this yellow squiggly …

27. The Obama administration also did little touse its bully pulpit to reorient pay packages at the big financial houses, where bonuses still often run in the tens of millions of dollars.

28. The company has been Busily building out its “other” segment, which includes its live events business — which it has reoriented to digital — affiliate referrals, licensing revenue from Facebook News and its TV and movie productions.

29. If you've ever held a bicycle wheel while it's turning and tried to reorient it you know that the wheel itself pushes back, trying to remain in its original plane.

30. The Badgers seemed to miss a great opportunity to reorient the program in 2020 when a collection of high-end talent finished in last place in the Big Ten

31. In plants, Chloroplasts are usually disk-shaped and can reorient themselves in the cell to vary their exposure to sunlight. Chloroplasts contain the saclike membranes known as thylakoids, which …

32. 'forlornity whikerby landladies bannition dyschroia Enville exuberantly tripersonalist limnoplankton goalless tight-bodied thought-stirring cochromatography Pro-serb snowproof hyperphoric Afshar verruciferous unpausing reorient Jovian explanted ayen tileways impossibilism dysuria clover-grass Verity Verkhne-Udinsk Bouteria first-run

33. Break free from barriers and work toward sustainable, meaningful change with Chrysalis Health. Our highly qualified and trained therapists, counselors, physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals work with individuals of all ages and walks of life to reorient focus, develop meaningful relationships, and provide comprehensive care.

34. Cedric Watts, who is among those who have untangled and re-chronicled Conrad's Analeptic narrative, notes that as Conrad's time-shift method throws us about from one time to another by grafting one incident onto the ongoing scene, what remains constant is the scenic background that helps reorient readers in the course of the narrative's